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Motivational Speaking Services: Headliner
I have always had a penchant for public speaking. As a child, I was part of the Atlantic City Children’s Theater, a program dedicated to the youth and created by a woman named Joanna LaSane. We learned to speak clearly, became comfortable with ourselves, how to effectively communicate and most importantly, develop faith in ourselves. Over the years, basketball celebrity has allowed me the privilege to speak youth groups all over the world. My ability to reach the youth of today has culminated into wonderful opportunities.
Most recently, in a collaborative effort over summer with the non-profit organization STARS and The Department of Youth Services Boston, a successful 6 week pilot program for social and emotional growth for incarcerated youth called Transition Hope was erected. In it we created and implemented our own curriculum of conversation topics and basketball. The program produced very positive feedback and I am excited about future possibilities as we continue to positively guide our youth.
I am available to speak on, but not limited to, the following topics
Finding Your Power Within
Personal Atmosphere Change
The Power of Language(Understanding Definition and Perception)
What Is A Man?
Being Perfectly Imperfect
Bullying and working to overcome it.
Bobby Martin
Motivational Speaking Services: About
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